I have finally started life coaching. I have been terrible with my follow through. I keep meaning to jump in feet first, or is it head first. Yeah, I don’t know. I am trying to find my online voice. Do I want to be serious and just pass out random advice or do I want to be more in the fun side of parenting, life and just surviving to be a contributing member of society? I do better with humor even when a lot of my humor isn’t even funny. It doesn’t help that I have super sentimental lately, still not sure why, but today didn’t help.
It started out as normal as a day can start with a big family. Alarms rang at 5:30ish, maybe John was up, I was too tired to think. He was taking Elly (#7) to be tested for covid. 9 of the 10 people living in this house had covid in November of 2020. But that’s a story for a different day. Annie (#4) and Jason (#5) we’re getting over a cold or flu that had the same symptoms of covid Annie is in cosmology school, so she needed to be tested (Plus, she is the 1 that never got it in 2020 so I was curious if she would have it now.) Nope. They didn’t have it. I swear I get daily emails from the jr high school telling me which one of my kids were exposed that day. I really needed to know because I baby sit my grand baby while my oldest (who happens to be pregnant with another girl!!) finishes college. I really don’t want her sick. So, for her sake, we got Elly tested
Wow, this is gonna be a novel. Sit tight. So, covid testing lines are hecka long where we live. Like 3 hours if you get there at noon, long. So John packs up Elly and was to the testing site by 5:45am (didn’t open until 7am but they were 8th in line so #worth it!!! By 7:40, we got the results that she “caught the rona… again.” Yes, she is vaccinated.
I called the school, they made me pick up the twins (#8 & 9) because they have not been vaccinated. Yes, I can be lazy and they are 11 so they were to young when we got them
So, I am sitting at home with the babies (my babies are 11. Don’t judge) playing animal crossing. I had a phone call and email about a lock down at the high school.
My children’s school had a shooting. It was outside, at lunch time, down the street a bit from their high school. 2 teens, a 14 and 15 year old were murdered by another 14 year old. A different 15 year old was shot, but he is in the hospital, still alive. It’s one of those things that you think won’t happen near you or your loved ones. Which is I am sure is what all the families involved are thinking. Life is short and life is precious. There was some sort of fight and one of the children pulled a gun and fired.
Jason (#5) was at lunch and Mia (#6) was in class. It was very stressful, with the rumors running wild. We still don’t have any information about the shooter, but my heart is breaking. I am lying in bed and my mind is racing. (Which is a good excuse for why this is post is all over the place). I am so thankful my children are ok yet my heart is broken for all of the families involved.
Life is short and the world can be terrifying. Small things just felt a lot bigger today. Cassi (#2) is struggling with a horrid professor. So I spent time on the phone pepping her up, consoling and threatening the professor bodily harm. (I really wouldn’t do anything. I was just fuming.)
And now I got word that school will be distance learning next week… funny story: Becca (#1) will be starting her first official day of student teaching. Virtually. For health and pe teachers. How in the crap do you teach pe over zoom? Just run in place in your living room? It freaking cold outside. This should be interesting.
So today, hug your family a little tighter, a little longer.. Be nicer to strangers, you never know what they are going through and let’s support our youth.

I have a few coaching appointments available. Let me know what I can help you with. It’s time to Make Better Memories.